Thursday July 23rd

Invited Papers (Session Chair: X-C Cai) (NST)
9:00-9:30 Some recent applications of domain decomposition methods to flow problems. A QUARTERONI
9:30-10:00 Overlapping Schwarz methods for the Helmholtz equations. M CASARIN
10:00-10:20 Coffee


Session A: Porous Media (Minisymposium Chair: Jean Roberts) (NST)
   10:20 - Domain decomposition methods in porous media simulations. R E Ewing
   10:40 - Control-volume mixed finite element methods and efficient domain decomposition solvers for heterogeneous groundwater flow equations. Thomas F RUSSELL, R R Parashkevov, J D Wilson.
   11:00 - Domain decomposition for two-phase flow in a porous medium with two rock types. J Jaffre, J Roberts, Xuewen WANG
   11:20 - Domain decomposition methods for fractured reservoir models. M S ESPEDAL, G E Fladmark, H Reme, G A Oye
   11:40 - Domain decomposition procedures for some nonconforming methods. Ivan YOTOV, M F Wheeler
   12:00 - Domain decomposition for porous media with fractures. C ALBOIN, J Jaffre, J Roberts
Session B: Algorithms 1 (Session Chair: A Quarteroni) (M140)
   10:20 - Convergence of asynchronous multisplitting two-stage iterations for block systems fo weakly nonlinear equations. Zhong-Zhi BAI, D J Evans
   10:40 - A domain decomposition method with Lagrange multiplers for second order elasticity. Axel KLAWONN, O B Widlund
   11:00 - On a non-overlapping domain decomposition method for scalar parabolic initial-boundary value problems. Gert LUBE, L Mueller, F - C Otto
   11:20 - Domain decomposition methods and artificial far-field boundary conditions for compressible viscous flows around airfoils. C COCLICI, W L Wenland
   11:40 - The block-grid method of increased accuracy in solving the mixed boundary value problem for the Laplace equation on polygon. A A OSIYEV
   12:00 - Decomposition method and strategy for coordination in optimal design of mechanical engineering systems. Carlos MARTINS, J Guillot
12:30-1:45 Lunch


Session A: Viscous-Inviscid Coupling (Minisymposium Chair: A E P Veldman) (NST)
   1:45 - Viscous-inviscid interaction: domain decomposition 'avant la lettre'. A E P VELDMAN
   2:05 - Quas-simultaneous viscous-inviscid coupling for aerofoil flows. E G M COENEN
   2:25 - Application of a quasi-Newton method in viscous-inviscid coupling. C-H LAI, A E P Veldman
   2:45 - Panel Discussion
Session B: Sub-Structuring Methods (Session Chair: Z-C Shi) (M140)
   1:45 - On a robust and sparse approximation to the interface operators in substructuring methods for elliptic problems. Boris N KHOROMSIJ, G Wittum
   2:05 - Analysis of substructuring in a metal forming process. A MEULLER, P Adamidis, A Beck, Y Ding, M Muench, A Reuter
   2:25 - Substructuring method for p1 non-conforming finite element discretisations. GU, Jinsheng and Jiu, Quansen
   2:45 - Incorporation of linear multipoint constraints in substructure based iterative solvers. Catherine LACOUR
Session C: Algorithms 2 (Session Chair: K Parrott)
   1:45 - A least squares method for the Helmholtz equation. Peter MONK, D-Q Wang
   2:05 - Application of the FETI method to industrial acoustic problems governed by the Helmholtz method. J-P Coyette, F MAGOULES, K Meerbergen, F-X Roux
   2:25 - The Schur complement as a mass matrix in mode synthesis eigenvalue problems. F Bourquin, Rabah NAMAR
   2:45 - Domain decomposition methods for time-dependent problems of mathematical physics. A A Samarshii, P N VABISHCHEVICH

3:05-3:30 Coffee
Invited Papers (Session Chair: M Ainsworth) (NST)
3:30-4:00 Adaptive multilever finite element methods in domain decomposition on nonmatching grids. R HOPPE
4:00-4:30 Enhanced convergence rate from asymptotic expansions in domain decompositon. B ENGQUIST


Session A: Novel Application 2 (Session Chair: K Chen) (NST)
   4:30 - FETI solver for corotational nonlinear problems. Kendall PIERSON, M Lesoinne
   4:50 - An iterative Krylov-based accelerating method for the solution to large-scale nonlinear problems. F Risler, Christian REY
   5:10 - The use of domain decomposition for approximating the conformal map of a quadrilateral onto a rectangle. Nikos STYLIANOPOULOS
   5:30 - Specifc methods in symmetric structures analysis. Andrei VASILESCU
Session B: Mortar Element + Fictitious Domain Methods (Session Chair: Yu Kuznetsov) (M140)
   4:30 - Spectral element method and mortars to study a glaciological problem in Antarctica. Renaud LESTRINGANT
   4:50 - The FETI method for mortar finite elements. Axel Klawonn, Dan STEFANICA
   5:10 - Numerical simulation of 3D particulate flows by a domain embedding method. Roland Glowinski, Tsorng-Whay PAN, J Periaux
   5:30 - A fictitious domain method elasticity problems. R A E Makinen, T Rossi, Jari TOIVANEN
Session C: Elliptic Problems (Session Chair: S Nepomnyaschikh) (H016)
   4:30 - Defect correction and domain decomposition for second order boundary value problems. Ahmed-Salah CHIBI, K Nafa
   4:50 - Optimal algorithms of solution of elliptic equations. I V BOIKOV, A I Boikova
   5:10 - The composite grids method of increased accuracy in solving the mixed boundary value problem for the Laplace equation. A A DOSIYEV, M Bozer
6:30- Dinner

           Programme of the Week