Wednesday July 22nd



Graduate Paper Competition 1 (Session Chair: O Pirronneau) (NST)
   8:00 - Parallel implementation of spectral element method with nonconforming mesh. Huiyu FENG, C Mavriplis
   8:20 - Numbering techniques for the multigrid solution of convection dominated problems. Sabine GUTSCH
   8:40 - Eigenvalue estimation and preconditioning to additive Schwarz method. W HE
   9:00 - Block preconditioners for non-symmetric saddle piont problems. Piotr KRZYZANOWSKI
   9:20 - On the choice of a Krylov method for the domain decomposition iterative solution of the exterior Helmholtz problem. A PUPPIN-MACEDO
   9:40 - An adaptive h-p finite element code on quads and triangles. Guido NABH

10:00-10:20 Coffee
Graduate Paper Competition 2 (Session Chair: T F Chan) (NST)
   10:20 - Some results on overlapping Schwarz methods for the Helmholtz equation employing perfectly matched layers. A TOSELLI
   10:40 - Parallel turbulent combustion simulations using domain decomposition with multigrid. A TWERDA, R L Verweij, A F Bakker
   11:00 - Parallel domain decomposition for reaction-diffusion problems. M Bercovier, N VOLFOVSKY
   11:20 - FETI domain decomposition algorithms for sensitivity analysis in contact shape optimisation. Vit VONDRAK, Z Dostal
   11:40 - Newton-Krylov-Schwarz methods for the solution of aerodynamics problems on structured and unstructured grids. Dinesh KAUSHIK, David Keyes, L C McInnes, B F Smith
   12:00 - Static mapping of FEM-Mesh on parallel processor. L C MAIARU
   12:20 - Domain decomposition and parallel processing microwave applicator design. D H MALAN, A C Metaxas
12:40-1:30 Buffet Lunch
1:30-5:30 Lectures Free Afternoon
Visit Greenwich Town/Royal Observatory/Cutty Sark
6:30- Conference Banquet at Trafalgar Tavern, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10.

           Programme of the Week