
DD23 conference proceedings

As in prior conferences in the series, all participants who have registered to the conference are encouraged to submit a paper. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag within the LNCSE-series. All paid registrants will be sent a complimentary copy of this book upon publication, which will be mailed to the physical address you provided on registration.
All papers must be prepared and submitted according to the detailed instructions provided below. The following page restrictions apply:

  • Invited plenary presentations: 12 pages
  • Minisymposia, contributed presentations, and posters: 8 pages

The deadline for submission for peer-review is Monday, February 15, 2016

All papers will be refereed. Presentation at the conference does not guarantee publication. Submitted papers need not conform identically to what was presented at the conference; titles and authoring may change.
Papers may be related to other publications by the author(s), but they should include original results. Due to page restrictions, it is natural that some authors will attempt to publish a more complete version of their work in archival journals and reserve a special angle for their proceedings paper. The DD23 proceedings should meet traditional standards for originality and quality, within the limitations of length.

Submitting your paper

Authors are responsible for submitting latex-bug-free documents that conform to the stylistic requirements of Springer.

Begin by downloading the file DD23-proceedings.tar.gz or in the file This tar.gz or zip archive contains five files:

  • svmult.cls -- the basic Springer style file
  • natbib.sty, plainnat.bst -- bibliography style files (included in many standard TeX distributions)
  • sample_author.tex -- the template file for your contribution
  • authinst.pdf -- documentation about Springer publishing format.

It is important for submissions to have consistent style, and to avoid problems with conflicting labels. To address these issues, please observe the following guidelines in preparing your manuscript:

  • Filename Rename the file sample_author.tex as <author>_<program element>.tex where <author> is the surname of the corresponding author (supplemented by first initials where necessary, e.g. "wang_k" or "wang_y"), and <program element> is one of "plenary", "mini_<#>", "contrib", <#> being the number of the Minisymposium. Please insert your contribution in this file.
  • Abstract It will appear only in the web version, not in the printed version. However, Springer wants to include abstracts in the web version. Please use the command \abstract*{...} to put it into the LaTeX file and follow the page restriction excluding abstract.
  • Bibliography Please prepare your bibliography in standard Bibtex ( .bib) format. To do this, create a file <author>_<program element>.bib and insert your references in Bibtex format. Authors are encouraged to retrieve bibtex references from MathSciNet (, should they already be available in that database. This will result in uniformity throughout the book and also ensure that names of journals are abbreviated correctly and consistently.
  • Labels If you use latex labels to refer to equations, sections, tables, figures, etc, please use label names starting with <author>_<program element>. This will ensure that your document does not conflict with other documents in the proceedings volume.
  • Figures All figures will appear in gray scale to allow for reasonable printing costs, although color figures can be provided and will appear in color in electronic versions. Please name the files of your figures as <author>_<program element>_figure<#>.extension where extension is png, pdf, jpg, etc.
  • Please do not edit svmult.cls, plainnat.bst, natbib.sty. Do not define your own macros, or redefine those provided in these style files.
  • Please make sure that currently you need to submit a pdf of your article with the name <author>_<program element>.pdf

Upload instructions

Upload the pdf file at