Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in Greenwich, England
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Preface (postscript) (pdf)
Part I: Theory
- Domain Decomposition Methods for Non-Symmetric Problems (ACHDOU, JAPHET, LE TALLEC, NATAF, ROGIER, AND VIDRASCU ) (postscript)(pdf)
- A Multigrid Method for the Complex Helmholtz Eigenvalue Problem (FRIESE, DEUFLHARD, AND SCHMIDT) (postscript)(pdf)
- Optimal Convergence for Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Schwarz Waveform Relaxation (GANDER, HALPERN, AND NATAF) (postscript)(pdf)
- Fast Integration Techniques in 3D Boundary Elements (GRAHAM, HACKBUSCH, AND SAUTER) (postscript)(pdf)
- A domain decomposition method with Lagrange multipliers for linear elasticity (KLAWONN AND WIDLUND) (postscript)(pdf)
- Sparse Grid Spectral Methods and some Results from Approximation Theory (KUPKA) (postscript)(pdf)
- On Schwarz Alternating Methods for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in N Dimensions (LUI) (postscript)(pdf)
- An Iterative Substructuring Preconditioner for Collocation with Hermite Bicubics (MATEESCU AND RIBBENS) (postscript)(pdf)
- Preconditioning Operators for Elliptic Problems with Bad Parameters (NEPOMNYASCHIKH) (postscript)(pdf)
- Is there a curse of dimension for integration? (Novak) (postscript)(pdf)
- Interface Preconditioners and Multilevel Extension Operators (OSWALD) (postscript)(pdf)
- Robust Subspace Correction Methods for Thin Elastic Shells (OVTCHINNIKOV AND XANTHIS) (postscript)(pdf)
- V-cycle Multigrid Methods for Wilson Nonconforming Element (SHI AND XU) (postscript)(pdf)
- The FETI Method for Mortar Finite Elements (STEFANICA AND KLAWONN) (postscript)(pdf)
- Subspace Correction Methods for Convex Optimization Problems (TAI AND Xu) (postscript)(pdf)
- Some Local and Parallel Properties of Finite Element Discretizations (XU AND ZHOU) (postscript)(pdf)
Part II: Algorithms
- A Nonoverlapping Characteristic Domain Decomposition Method for Unsteady State Advection-Diffusion Equations (AL-LAWATIA AND WANG) (postscript)(pdf)
- An Explicit Multi-Model Compressible Flow Formulation Based on the Full Potential Equation and the Euler Equations on 3D Unstructured Meshes (CAI, PARASCHIVOIU, AND SARKIS) (postscript)(pdf)
- Overlapping Schwarz Methods for Helmholtz's Equation (Casarin AND Widlund) (postscript)(pdf)
- Multilevel Spectral Partitioning of Unstructured Grids (CHAN, GO, AND ZOU) (postscript)(pdf)
- Quasi-Simultaneous Coupling for Wing and Aerofoil Flow (COENEN) (postscript)(pdf)
- Domain Decomposition Methods for a System of Coupled Acoustic and Elastic Helmholtz Equations (Cummings AND Feng)(postscript)(pdf)
- On the convergence of the generalized asynchronous multisplitting block two-stage relaxation methods for the large sparse systems of mildly nonlinear equations (Evans AND Bai) (postscript)(pdf)
- Domain Decomposition Capabilities for the Mortar Finite Volume Element Methods (EWING, LAZAROV, T. LIN, AND Y. LIN)(postscript)(pdf)
- FETI-H: a scalable domain decomposition method for high frequency exterior Helmholtz problems (FARHAT, MACEDO, AND TEZAUR)(postscript)(pdf)
- Domain Decomposition with Local Fourier Bases applied to Frontal Polymerisation problems (GARBEY AND TROMEUR-DERVOUT)(postscript)(pdf)
- Lower Dimensional Interpolation in Overlapping Composite Mesh Difference Methods (GOOSSENS AND CAI) (postscript)(pdf)
- Domain Decomposition for Indefinite Weakly Singular Integral Equations (HEUER) (postscript)(pdf)
- Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation Phenomena in Vocal Tract and Domain Decomposition Method (KAKO AND KANO) (postscript)(pdf)
- Optimal Shape of Pine for Sound Absorption in Water (KAWARADA AND SUITO) (postscript)(pdf)
- How Scalable is Domain Decomposition in Practice? (Keyes) (postscript)(pdf)
- A non-overlapping DDM of Robin-Robin type for parabolic problems (LUBE, MÜLLER AND OTTO) (postscript)(pdf)
- Communication Latency Hiding in a Parallel Conjugate Gradient Method (McMANUS, JOHNSON, AND CROSS) (postscript)(pdf)
- Implementational Aspects of Prewavelet Sparse Grid Methods (NIEDERMEIER AND ZIMMER) (postscript)(pdf)
- Comparison of three algorithms for nonlinear metal cutting problems (PALANSURIYA, LAI, IEROTHEOUS, PERICLEOUS, AND KEYES)(postscript)(pdf)
- Domain Decomposition Methods for the Steady Stokes Equations (RØNQUIST) (postscript)(pdf)
- Domain Decomposition Methods for Parabolic Problems (SAMARSKII AND VABISHCHEVICH) (postscript)(pdf)
- An Asynchronous Space Decomposition Method (Tai AND Tseng) (postscript)(pdf)
- Viscous-Inviscid Interaction: Domain Decomposition Avant la Lettre (VELDMAN AND LAI) (postscript)(pdf)
Part III: Applications
- Domain decomposition for flow in porous media with fractures (ALBOIN, JAFFRE, ROBERTS, AND SERRES) (postscript)(pdf)
- Dynamic Load Balancing for Multi-Physical Modelling using Unstructured Meshes (ARAVINTHAN, JOHNSON, MCMANUS, WALSHAW, AND CROSS) (postscript)(pdf)
- Domain Decomposition in High-Level Parallelization of PDE Codes (CAI) (postscript)(pdf)
- An overview on current multiphysics software strategies for coupled applications with interacting physics on parallel and distributed computers (CHOW AND ADDISON) (postscript)(pdf)
- A single-code software model for Multiphysics analysis-engine on parallel and distributed computers with the PHYSICA toolkit (CHOW, BAILEY, MCMANUS, ADDISON, AND CROSS) (postscript)(pdf)
- Adaptive Multilevel FEM as Decisive Tools in the Clinical Cancer Therapy Hyperthermia (DEUFLHARD AND SEEBASS)(postscript)(pdf)
- Sound Generation by Vortex-Blade Interactions (DJAMBAZOV, LAI, AND PERICLEOUS) (postscript)(pdf)
- Analysis of Substructuring in a Metal Forming Process (MÜLLER AND ADAMIDIS) (postscript)(pdf)
- The Parallel Solution of Early-exercise Asian Options with Stochastic Volatility (PARROTT AND CLARKE) (postscript)(pdf)
- Efficient Mesh Partitioning For Adaptive HP Finite Element Meshes (PATRA AND KIM) (postscript)(pdf)
- A FETI Solver for Corotational Nonlinear Problems (PIERSON AND LESOINNE) (postscript)(pdf)
- Parallel Solution of General Sparse Linear Systems using PSPARSLIB (SAAD, KUZNETSOV, AND LO) (postscript)(pdf)
- Parallel Solvers for the Two-Group Neutron Diffusion Equations of Reactor Kinetics (SCHEICHL) (postscript)(pdf)
- Remarks on the implementation of the Generalized Neumann-Neumann algorithm (VIDRASCU) (postscript)(pdf)
- Scalability and load imbalance for domain decomposition based transport (WILDERS) (postscript)(pdf)
Part IV: Student Papers
- Parallel Implementation of the Spectral Element Method with Nonconforming Mesh (FENG AND MAVRIPLIS) (postscript)(pdf)
- NKS Methods for Compressible and Incompressible Flows on Unstructured Grids (KAUSHIK, KEYES, AND SMITH) (postscript)(pdf)
- Block preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle point problems (KRZYZANOWSKI) (postscript)(pdf)
- Ordering techniques for convection dominated problems on unstructured three-dimensional grids (LE BORNE) (postscript)(pdf)
- Domain decomposition and parallel processing in microwave applicator design. (MALAN AND METAXAS) (postscript)(pdf)
- On the Choice of Krylov Methods and Preconditioners for a Domain Decomposed Iterative Solution of the Exterior Helmholtz Problem (PUPPIN MACEDO) (postscript)(pdf)
- Overlapping Methods with Perfectly Matched Layers for the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation (TOSELLI) (postscript)(pdf)
- Parallel multi-grid for turbulent reacting flow simulations (TWERDA, VERWEIJ, PEETERS, AND BAKKER) (postscript)(pdf)
- Parallel Domain Decomposition for Reaction-Diffusion Problems (VOLFOVSKY AND BERCOVIER) (postscript)(pdf)
- FETI domain decomposition algorithms for sensitivity analysis in contact shape optimization (VIT VONDRAK, ZDENEK DOSTAL, AND RASMUSSEN) (postscript)(pdf)